Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Drowning Part II

Except that it's a little worse than this.

Same teacher, different class...

Husband gone for the next 10 days... (But who's counting, right?)

House looks like:

Inside of mind looks like:

Although, I will say that today I felt like:

It was my first speed day since Carlsbad on 1/22.

Today's workout was 5 X 800 repeats with 200 rest between sets. Was told to aim for 3:30 pace.

Final tally: 3:26, 3:26, 3:18, 3:18, 3:10... complete with some nasty winds too!

Felt great. Much better than I was expecting!

On that note, I'm off to clean up the atomic explosion. For those of you who tagged me in the 11 things deal, I'M SORRY!!!! I may still get to it at some point, but I can't promise anything... Trying to stay afloat, ya know?

See ya when I see ya!!


  1. Good luck lady!! We'll see you when you come up for air :)

  2. Just got my husband back from a 10 days trip - aaargh, I would never make it as a single mom!!
    Good luck - lots of speed helps keep the Looney Tunes away!!

  3. Great job on those 800's!

    I know how you feel- sometimes it's hard to come up for air.

  4. Oooh, 10 days is a long time... hang in there! Awesome job on those 800's! And if you never get to the 11 things, no worries. :)

  5. Sorry you are so busy!! Good luck staying afloat!
